Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentines Day - To Celebrate or Not..

I don't want to give the wrong idea about me not being a romantic. But aren't holidays supposed to make most people happy? I once had a close friend that this holiday seemed to make depressed. All because she was single and didn't have that special person. I try to do a little something for everyone. But it is still hard for me to this day to really celebrate a holiday that not only seems very commerical but that can make someone feel bad about themselves. So the hubby and i usually just exchange cards and I give a little something to the family. But I don't do more than that. Plus shouldn't you always treat your other half like it v-day everyday?

1 comment:

drew said...

amen to that. this year em and i decided not to spend money. so i baked her some cookies and peanut butter squares and sent them to her along with a homemade card and a funny tshirt, a valentine's care package of sorts. every day IS valentine's day. btw, when are you due????