Friday, February 03, 2006

Friends and other halves

i guess you can pick your friends but you can't pick who they will fall in love with. you just have to hope and pray that they know what they are doing. i love L to death and can only wish her the best. and pray that the person she chooses to be with ends up being a good person. it's hard when you don't get the best of feelings/vibe when you meet someone. or that you wonder if they are really right for someone. or what are their 'real' intentions with your friends.

i guess i have always been the one out of the three of us that is harder on the guys that my friends chooses to be with. but with time i usually warm up and end up liking them.. or for some of those ex's still HATE with a passion. but very glad that they wake up and smell the coffee. it's just i feel that it should come natural on feeling comfortable and wanting to be friends. but also i feel that the boys SHOULD be proving themselves to not only our friends that they are with but the other two friends. of course no butt kissing but honestly being somewhat of themselves and showing us that they are good people.

so what do you do when the guys start off on a bad foot? obviously from what i have experienced lately he just avoids you like anything. and your friend doesn't really do anything to try and make it better.

therefore, i am trying a different approach to the situation. which is also a goal of mine for 2006. i am not the one that may or may not marry this 'interesting and different' person. which i have nothing in common with but L is our only common ground. and maybe that we both enjoy the arts. not sure if they are the same but we love the arts and music. so anyways, i am trying to be open minded and nicer to the person.. yes i am the type of girl that wears her emotions on her shelves.. (unfortunately if i do not like or trust you - you will know it. must be the cancer in me) but for L i will do anything to make her happy. cuz i know she would do the same for me. i know that she is the type that even if she doesn't care too much for the person she doesn't show you.. and that's not being fake but i will think of it as giving the person a chance. and try to just be friends but i will only go so far Less than halfway because to me he should be the one trying not me. i am giving this a couple months to see how this goes... but if i don't see a difference then we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

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