Friday, November 18, 2005

Do I?

So I am currently going through a trying time in my life.. That's too personal to write about but I should be okay with whatever the turn out is. But it has made me think about who I am and what I want to be remembered as.

I have always felt that even if I have just met you, we were friends, friends, ex boyfriends or whatever that I have made a difference in your life. That I somehow helped make you a better person.. I left my 'positive mark' in your life. And lately I am questioning if I have really done that. So from this point on I will try to do as I hope to have done. How you wonder.. I don't know myself but I figure with each person and situation I will hopefully know what to do.

And the other thing that has crossed my mind is that i want to be a better person, wife, friend, sister, daughter, grand-daughter and so on.. And I feel that I have been working on this each and every day. I am learning from my mistakes.. For instance, my short temper I am working on and feel that I am better. I try to understand each person and where they are coming from. I try respecting each person's decision even if I don't neccessarily agree with them.. But it's their live and they need to go through whatever it is that they need to. I can't protect the world or them. I just want them to know that I am there no matter what. But of course I still give my opinion and it's up to them if they want to take it or not.. I don't push my beliefs on other people. I love feedback.. So I try to remember that when someone is telling me something about myself to understand that is how they feel and what they are thinking. It's all about respect, understanding, love, and so on. But I know that I really need to practice this more with my husband, mom and sister.. they tend to annoy me the most and I know they are the ones that i should be otherwise to... I am a work in progress and know that I will always be.. Because if I thought I was perfect then I wouldn't learn anything new.. and that would be BORING...

Just my thoughts for today.

1 comment:

b3a said...

really nice thoughts. Nobody's perfect and we're all learning new things everyday and learning to be a better person each day.